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Words From Today, Treasure For Tomorrow

Send a message to the future!

Let Your Influence Travel Through Time and Shape the Lives of Future Generations. Now’s your chance to share your unique voice, be it a piece of your wisdom or an encouragment — anything goes!

Your Words are a Treasure—Pass it on and preserve your insights.


What you share today can create ripples of change for future generations!

Craft a fun message to your chosen person, one that they’ll open 20 years from now!

Use these guiding questions as inspiration:

  • Share a life lesson you want to remind your future self.

  • What dreams do you hope to achieve in 20 years? Record and surprise yourself in the future.

  • What wisdom would you share with future generations?

  • What hopes do you have for future generations, such as a child not yet born?

Ready to Surprise Someone in the future?

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